
About Homoeopathy

  • Homoeopathy is a system of medicine discovered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a revolutionary physician of Germany about hundred and ninety five years ago.
  • Homoeopathy is based upon the Therapeutic Law known as "SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR" which means like cures like.
  • Its objective 'Complete Therapy' or treatment of the patient as a whole goes far beyond the specific attack against the invading pathogens.
  • It advocates the use of proved remedies (by proving a medicine means noting all the reactions and symptoms produced by a remedy on several healthy persons in potentised form). 
  • It advocates the use of single remedy at a time in potentised form and minimum dose and not to interfere in its beneficial action once it is started, so that the true effects of a remedy could be watched. If the remedy shows adverse effects it should be antidoted. Each remedy has relationship with other remedies as complementary, supplementary and antidotal. This knowledge ensures a harmless treatment.
  • Homoeopathy advocates remedies to be given in potentised form. By potentisation is meant increasing the medicinal power. Potentisation of remedies involves three processes: 
  1. Preparation of mother tincture of a medicine,
  2. Dilution of the mother tincture on a decimal or centesimal scale; and 50 Millesimal scale of potencies.
  3. Friction or succussion of the diluted remedy to increase medicinal power.
  • It has been observed that potentised remedies when given according to the principles of homoeopathy, act instantaneously, deeply and for a long time curing the morbid conditions as if by magic. It is a curious fact that the remedial power is permanently absorbed in the media (sugar of milk or rectified spirit) even when not a single atom of the remedy can be traced in the highly potentised remedy as is Sulphur C.M. This is possible because the plane on which Homoeopathic remedies act is spiritual one in which medicinal force, disease force and vital force act like magnetic force.
  • Homoeopathy recognises Vital Force as the specific, dynamic and sentient energy on which depends the orderly state or health of the individual. 
               Vital Force is specific because every individual is susceptible to
          certain morbific influences  and agents and is immune to others.
                Vital Force is dynamic because as individual manifests
          expression or suppression of a disease.
                Vital Force is sentient as an individual can select what is
          good for him as a medicine autonomically when he is ill.
  • Homoeopathy realises the fundamental nature of chronic diseases (Miasm) such as hereditary diseases, suppressed diseases, uncured diseases, and acquired diseases and that health cannot be maintained unless these miasms are cured. As most of the people suffer from miasms hence homoeopathy advocates treatment of miasms and maintenance of health from the beginning of life, so that chronic incurable and malignant states could be prevented and cured in due course of time.
  • Homoeopathy fulfills the eight-fold aims of medicine: They are as follow :-
  1. Prevention of diseases.
  2. Cure of diseases.
  3. Maintenance of health, vitality, virility and longevity of an individual.
  4. Maintenance of temperamental equilibrium and mental alertness of the individual.
  5. Maintenance of uniform development of organs and normal growth of the individual.
  6. Preservation of spiritual vigour for devoting life for the sake of higher purposes of existence.
  7. Palliation of unbearable symptoms of incurable diseases.
  8. Producing euthensia i.e. painless death for malignant and incurable diseases.
  • Homoeopathy is, therefore, the most natural, rational and scientific method of treatment in which patient's reactions and symptoms help the physician to select his remedy and steer his health quickly, gently and permanently.

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